Monday, January 4, 2016

Lancaster Warrant Roundup Soon Underway

Upcoming Lancaster Warrant Roundup

If you have been issued a traffic ticket by law enforcement in the Dallas County City of Lancaster, Texas, there are many possible reasons you may have been. Common reasons that drivers may be issued traffic tickets in this region of North Texas can encompass driving over the legal speed limit, failing to yield right of way, making an illegal turn, texting while driving, failing to use a turn signal properly, running a red light or stop sign, and even driving with expired tags. No matter the reason why you have received your Lancaster traffic violation, you are expected to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. Traffic warrants may be issued by the Municipal Court in Lancaster, Texas for drivers who are written traffic tickets in that city, but who let their citations go past due instead of responding to them. If a traffic warrant has been issued for you by the Lancaster, Texas Municipal Court, after you allowed your charges to become overdue, there is a good chance that it may soon result in your arrest and incarceration. Your chances of being arrested over your warrant will only increase during the Lancaster Warrant Roundup. This is an annual police operation serving as a branch of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Please see below to learn more, call 817-685-0912 or contact me.

Prepare Yourself For the Lancaster Warrant Roundup

The Lancaster Warrant Roundup will soon be underway in the city, as will be the Great Texas Warrant Roundup in participating communities all across the entire State. Following the start of this annual police operation each year, Lancaster police officers are required to step up their searches for drivers like you who have active traffic warrants out for them. More often than not, when found, these drivers are taken into custody. Lest you be taken into custody during this year's Warrant Roundup season, it may behoove you to try and lift your warrant as soon as possible. If you are hopeful to do so but are not sure that you would be able to lift your outstanding traffic warrant on your own, it may be in your best interest to seek professional legal help in doing so today. This help may be acquired from a local attorney. An attorney who has experience in Dallas County may be able to post bond for you and lift your warrant for you, if you are eligible. This way you may be represented in court at a later date by your attorney, and may no longer worry about being taken into custody. For more info please call 817-685-0912 or contact me online.

Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.

Principle office located at 2319 Hall-Johnson Rd. Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. For more information, please call 817-685-0912.