Thursday, July 30, 2015

Grand Prairie CDL Defense Law Firm

Have You Been Issued a CDL Violation in Grand Prairie?

Traffic tickets are common in Dallas County, Texas, and written every day to drivers in the City of Grand Prairie. Class C drivers are generally the motorists one sees subjected to traffic stops in Grand Prairie, but even commercial motorists behind the wheel of eighteen wheelers may be written traffic tickets at the discretion of law enforcement. Perhaps you were recently written a CDL or trucking violation in Grand Prairie, Texas, for a moving violation such as speeding, or maybe for a vehicle-related offense at a D.O.T. stop. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your Grand Prairie CDL violation, it is up to you to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. If you would rather not respond by pleading guilty (which would allow points to be applied to your driving record), you may instead take action to challenge your charges in court. Legal professionals, such as at traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates, may assist you in disputing your ticket; it is not something that you must attempt to accomplish on your own. Contact me today to find out more, or call 817-685-0912.

Past-Due Grand Prairie CDL Violations Fall Into Warrant

However common and trivial your Grand Prairie CDL violation may appear at first glance, please be advised; your ticket is a serious legal matter that must be responded to in due time. If you fail to respond to your charges by the date that they are due, the Grand Prairie Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant issued for you is a warrant for your arrest. It may eventually result in your arrest and incarceration, and maybe even the loss of your career as a professional CDL driver. But in the case that you get your warrant lifted, your arrest may be avoided, and your means of living may be protected. The lawyers here at traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to assist you in getting your warrant lifted, and may also post bond for you. We may even lift your warrant for you, so that you may avoid arrest. For additional information, please contact me or call 817-685-0912.

Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.

Principle office located at 2319 Hall-Johnson Rd. Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. For more information, please call 817-685-0912.